Whether you’re a big business owner expanding your company or just starting your own small business, growing your brand is top priority. When you achieve brand recognition and have a bigger audience for your brand your opportunity for increased sales skyrockets. Follow these simple 5 steps to grow your brand.
STEP 1: Create a Newsletter
Email newsletters allow you to communicate on a personal note with your customers. They are one of the most powerful digital marketing tools. On average for every 1$ spent they generate $44 in ROI. To make it even better, according to MailChimp, “On average, segmented campaigns result in 23% higher open rates and 49% higher click through rates than unsegmented campaigns.” Segmentation is the division of email subscribers into smaller segments based on set criteria, and marketers report an increase of 760% increase in revenue from doing this.
Email marketing campaigns give you the opportunity to build rapport and nurture prospects, they allow your business to engage with your customers and develop leads. The ability to trigger communications make email newsletters one of the most effective digital marketing tools. In order to fully benefit from email marketing, you should understand the characteristics of an effective email newsletter. There are requirements your newsletter must meet if you’re looking to build trust, encourage engagement, and grow your sales. If you add five infallible attributes to your newsletters – How to Make Your Newsletters Irresistible – you should have no trouble accomplishing your newsletter marketing goals.
STEP 2: Free Trials are Efficient and Profitable
Show, Don’t Tell
Don’t tell prospects how great your service is, show them instead. Grow your brand’s trust by letting them experience how great your product or service is first hand! Start offering limited-time, no-cost, no-obligation test-drives. This shift in strategy quickly pays off, with higher conversion rates. If you’re a subscription service, offer packages at a low irresistible rate, then show them how fantastic the service you’re offering is, and your customers will want to stick around! Don’t forget to read – How to Use Free Trials to Increase Sales – for detailed information on using this strategy effectively.
Your free trial should give full access to almost every feature and function you offer. If there are aspects of the service or product that you cannot financially offer for free, such as dedicated customer support, or other features, make sure they know that upfront. Market the additional features as a bonus they will receive once they choose to continue with your business and opt for a paid account. For example – Brynga’s trial offers a $7 7-day trial, which means you can request Unlimited Graphic Designs for just seven bucks! Offering a free trial of your service is an innovative way to wow clients into wanting to purchase your services long term.
STEP 3: Facebook Groups Generate Leads
A great way to generate leads for your business is to create a Facebook group that offers exclusive support, information, and a sense of community to your customers and prospects. With Facebook groups for business, brands have an opportunity to build fan communities in a way that wasn’t possible before the age of social media. By using social media to grow your brand you create a community and foster brand recognition. Facebook gives you access to 2.41 billion active users, all you have to do is build and grow that community. This gives you a direct line to your customers. Check out – The Quickest Way to Build a Successful Facebook Group for Your Business – if you want to learn more about the different types of Facebook groups and how to grow them.
STEP 4: Referral Programs
A well-built referral marketing strategy can actually increase brand awareness while boosting your sales through existing customers and new referral traffic. Why do refer-a-friend programs to customer referral campaigns work? They work because you are giving your customers incentive to promote your business for a reward. It is like a super-awesome personal discount for telling someone about your super-awesome business. Offering 10% of revenue that a new client brings you is a great way to generate leads. It also costs less than what you would pay a member of your sales team. In short, it is cheap, organic, word-of-mouth advertising for your brand. Even if the new person doesn’t convert right away, they now know about your brand. Types of Referral Programs and How to Use them to Increase Sales – gives you a complete breakdown of effective referral program strategies.
STEP 5: Retargeting Ads
97% of first-time visitors to your website will leave without buying anything. Unless you can bring them back, you just lost them forever. That’s why you need active campaigns and a strategy for retargeting. These remind your visitors about your website and products or services. Retargeting ads show your visitors ads relevant to the pages they visited on your website through relevant text or image ads when they visit other websites. These campaigns can be done through Google Ads, Adroll, Facebook retargeting, LinkedIn Ads and other retargeting advertising platforms. Retargeting is a vital tool to connect with your customers and increase customer loyalty. Read – How to Use Retargeting Ads Effectively – for clever ways to bring one time visitors back for more.
While helping to grow your brand can be a simple way to increase your sales it can also be a daunting task. Book a free demo to the team at Brynga today to get you started on the right track.
How to Make Your Newsletters Irresistible - Brynga
[…] look forward to hearing from you. If you’d like to know more about growing your brand, read 5 Steps to Grow your Brand and Increase Sales. Applying these techniques to improve your email marketing game and your marketing techniques is a […]